Arktika.1: Neuer Patch lässt euch auf Deutsch spielen
Unterstützt nun auch Cloud-Spielstände.
4A Games hat einen neuen Patch für den VR-Shooter Arktika.1 veröffentlicht.
Damit habt ihr nun die Möglichkeit, den Titel auf Deutsch zu spielen.
Darüber hinaus unterstützt das Spiel fortan Cloud-Spielstände, wodurch ihr von jedem PC aus auf eure gespeicherten Daten zugreifen könnt.
Die kompletten Patch Notes lest ihr nachfolgend.
- Arktika.1 is now available in German, French, and Spanish!
Cloud Saves
- Arktika.1 now has a Cloud Save functionality that retains your save files, so you can play from any PC.
- Fixed a bug causing saved progress to persist between different Oculus accounts on the same machine.
- Fixed several known crashes.
- Multiple performance improvements throughout.
Level Specific
- Fixed a few bugs encountered during METRO: Robot Gone Rogue causing yagas to act unintentionally.
- Fixed a bug where objects thrown at the player by the mech in METRO: Robot Gone Rogue and TERMINAL: Robot Redux were not destructible.
- Updated balance for the Punisher against the mech in METRO: Robot Gone Rogue and TERMINAL: Robot Redux.
- Fixed a bug encountered during the mech battles in METRO: Robot Gone Rogue and TERMINAL: Robot Redux causing the mech to become immortal or act unintentionally.
- Fixed a bug causing the drone to infinitely format data in SECRET HQ: Unknown Territory.
- Fixed a bug allowing the player to destroy the Firebird using the Punisher in GALLERIA: Meeting Mr. Mitchell.
- Fixed a bug preventing progression in RAIL DEPOT: The Vault with Punisher equipped.
- Fixed a bug with container locks on RAIL DEPOT: The Vault
- The player can no longer accidentally start levels without their weapons holstered.
- Weapon balance adjusted throughout.
- Weapon damage output post-upgrade has been corrected.
- Attachments have been balanced throughout to work more accurately and provide the player with better precision.
- Several achievements and perks have been balanced.
- Fixed a bug allowing the player to destroy friendly drones with the EM Pulse perk.
- Fixed several bugs involving movement points causing the player to get stuck.
- Fixed several additional minor bugs.