Deals with Gold mit Metro Redux und Rainbow Six: Siege
Jede Menge neue Angebote.
In dieser Woche spart ihr auf Xbox Live unter anderem beim Kauf von Metro Redux oder Rainbow Six: Siege.
Die folgenden Angebote sind bis zum 13. Februar 2017 gültig.
Xbox One
- Adventures of Pip - 7,50 Euro
- Among the Sleep - 7,50 Euro
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Digital Deluxe Edition - 59,99 Euro
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Gold Edition - 41,99 Euro
- Clouds & Sheep 2 - 6,69 Euro
- Dead Island: Retro Revenge - 2,50 Euro
- Deadlight: Director's Cut - 6 Euro
- Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition - 12,50 Euro
- Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition Demon Hunter Bundle - 18 Euro
- DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition - 9,90 Euro
- DiRT Rally - 28 Euro
- Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires - 25 Euro
- Ethan: Der Meteorjäger - 6,69 Euro
- F1 2016 - 38,49 Euro
- Homefront: The Revolution - 12 Euro
- Homefront: The Revolution Freedom Fighter Bundle - 15 Euro
- Metro Redux Bundle - 6 Euro
- Metro 2033 Redux - 5 Euro
- Metro: Last Light Redux - 5 Euro
- Mighty No. 9 - 8 Euro
- Mighty No. 9: Ray-Expansion - 2,50 Euro
- Mighty No. 9: Retro-Held - 1,50 Euro
- Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae - 6 Euro
- Steep - 45,49 Euro
- Steep: Gold Edition - 58,49 Euro
- The Crew - 14,99 Euro
- The Crew: Ultimate Edition - 29,99 Euro
- The Crew: Season Pass - 14,99 Euro
- The Crew: Calling All Units - 16,74 Euro
- Rainbow Six: Siege - 20 Euro
- Rainbow Six: Siege Complete Edition - 60,29 Euro
- Rainbow Six: Siege Year 2 Gold Edition - 48,99 Euro
- Saints Row 4: Re-Elected - 5 Euro
- Saints Row: Gat out of Hell - 3,75 Euro
- Saints Row 4: Re-Elected und Gat out of Hell - 7,50 Euro
- Saints Row und Metro Doppelpack - 11 Euro
- This War of Mine: The Little Ones - 9 Euro
Xbox 360
- Asura's Wrath - 4,99 Euro
- Call of Duty: Black Ops - 14,99 Euro
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 - 23,99 Euro
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 - 9,99 Euro
- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - 3,79 Euro
- DmC Devil May Cry - 3,99 Euro
- Devil May Cry HD Collection - 3,99 Euro
- Escape Dead Island - 2,99 Euro
- Killer is Dead - 3,99 Euro
- Metro 2033 - 2,24 Euro
- Metro: Last Light - 2,99 Euro
- Mighty No. 9 - 7,99 Euro
- Mighty No. 9: Ray-Expansion - 2,49 Euro
- Mighty No. 9: Retro-Held - 1,49 Euro
- Risen - 4,99 Euro
- Risen 2: Dark Waters - 4,99 Euro
- Risen 3: Titan Lords - 7,49 Euro
- Sacred 3 - 4,99 Euro
- Sacred Citadel - 1,99 Euro
- Saints Row - 2,49 Euro
- Saints Row 2 - 4,99 Euro
- Saints Row: The Third - 3,74 Euro
- Saints Row 4 - 9,99 Euro
- Saints Row: Gat out of Hell - 3,74 Euro