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Dishonored 2: Update 1.2 für den PC veröffentlicht

Mit vielen Anpassungen.

Das nächste Update für die PC-Fassung von Dishonored 2 ist da. Version 1.2 behebt eine ganze Reihe von Problemen und passt andere Dinge an.

Des Weiteren empfiehlt man Besitzern einer Nvidia-Karte, unbedingt die Treiberversion 375.95 zu installieren, da die Versionen 375.70 und 375.86 Probleme mit dem Spiel machen.

Unter anderem nimmt man einige Anpassungen an der Performance des Spiels vor. Die Details dazu lest ihr nachfolgend, die restlichen und umfangreichen Patch Notes sind hier zu finden.


  • Reduced framerate stuttering
  • Added a customizable FPS limiter to reduce the fluctuation
  • Framerate capped at 120 FPS to prevent physics issues which occur only above 120fps
  • Max pre-rendered frames is now managed by the game
  • Adjusted Texture Details settings to make a significant visual and performance change
  • Fixed a bug where AMD GPU experienced huge framerate drops when there is cloth simulation in the environment
  • Adjusted ocean settings for perf improvement
  • Added frequency in V-sync UI
  • Fixed a bug where VRAM usage was higher than available VRAM
  • Fixed a bug where auto-detected settings were set too high for certain hardware
  • Added HBAO+ support for AMD GPUs
  • Fixed a bug where turning HBAO+ ON created some bad shadowing on player's hands
  • Removed Environment Details settings as it was strongly tied to View Distance
  • Removed Fog Quality settings as it was not impacting the visuals or providing performance advantage
  • Adjusted auto detected settings for R9 290X2
  • Fixed a bug where Water Quality settings was only impacting ocean, not canals or pools
  • Improved CPU cores utilization on high and low-end machines

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