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Elite: Dangerous - Die Thargoiden sind zurück!

Version 2.4 jetzt erhältlich.

Wie es aussieht, wird es mal wieder Zeit, in den Pilotensessel zu steigen, denn Elites sagenhafte Feinde von einst sind in das Universum zurückgehrt: Die Thargoiden.

Frontier Developments spielte gestern im Laufe des Abends das neue Update 2.4 auf allen drei Plattformen - PC, XBox One und PS4 - auf, das erste Mal, dass eines der großen Updates zeitgleich auf allen drei Formaten erschien. Die begleitende Server-Downtime ist mittlerweile ausgesessen, was bedeutet, dass ihr euch jetzt auf die Suche nach den übermächtigen organischen Raumschiffen machen könnt.

Das Client-Update bringt rund 7 GB auf die Platte. Die Patch Notes sind zu lang, um sie hier wiederzugeben, weshalb wir euch vertrauensvoll an das offizielle Elite Dangerous Forum verweisen. Hier fürs erste aber die Änderungen der Marke "neuer Content & neue Features". "Mysteriöse und aufregende Dinge..." sind definitiv ein Highlight.

New Content & Features (Horizons)

  • Added mysterious and exciting things...
  • Holo-Me Save Slots - We have added save slots for different Commander appearances in the Holo-Me system
  • Holo-Me: Added 12 new hairstyles
  • Holo-Me: Added slots for Eyewear and Outfits
  • Synthesis can now create heat sinks, chaff, limpets and top up life support
  • Additional planetary bases added to the Colonia region for migration winners
  • Added mysterious locations we're not going to tell you about...

New Content & Features (Non-Horizons)

  • Added more mysterious and exciting things...
  • Ship Rebuy Penalty - When a player commits the crime of murder (PvP only), an additional cost is added if they swap to a less expensive ship before paying legal costs during the rebuy flow. (Exemption for valid Powerplay PvP)
  • Pilot's Federation Bounty - When a player commits the crime of murder (PvP only), they receive an additional Pilot's Federation Bounty. This bounty is valid in every jurisdiction except anarchies. (Exemption for valid Powerplay PvP)
  • Inbox Revamp - Various quality of life improvements and a new look
  • New Chained Missions - Which can be longer than two steps
  • Hull/Canopy Repair Limpet controllers are now available
  • Preview game extras in outfitting - You will now be able to preview paint jobs and other game extras available for purchase
  • Stored ships can now be sold from the rebuy screen to cover the rebuy cost
  • Updated route plotting system:maximum route plotting range is now 20Kly; route plotting is much faster; there is now an option to make use of neutron star boost when plotting routes; an icon is displayed on the route to show the last scoopable star before running out of fuel
  • Additional NPC stations added to support infrastructure and trade routes in Colonia region
  • Star systems renamed based on Colonia migration winners
  • Additional space stations added to Pleiades region to support civilian expansion narrative
  • Added search and rescue contacts to stations across the galaxy
  • New and improved salvage scenarios added to support search and rescue gameplay
  • Made salvage commodities legal to pick up from wreck sites (will still appear illegal if dropped by ships as that is not salvage)
  • Added more mysterious locations we're not going to tell you about...

Definitiv eine aufregende Zeit, mal eben eine absolut fremde, gefährliche Fraktion in sein unendliches, aber zerstrittenes Universum einzuführen. Falls ihr den sehenswerten Trailer zum Update noch nicht kennt, hier ist er:

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