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PUBG: Patch 6 für die Xbox-One-Version veröffentlicht

Weitere Optimierungen und mehr.

Für die Xbox-One-Version von PUBG wurde Patch 6 veröffentlicht.

Mit diesem bringen die Entwickler unter anderem eine Auto-Run-Funktion (Doppelklick auf L3) ins Spiel und ausgerüstete Waffen lassen sich aus dem Inventar mit dem Y-Button entfernen.

Auch weitere Optimierungen wurden vorgenommen und Absturzursachen beseitigt.

Mehr lest ihr nachfolgend in den Patch Notes:


  • Auto-run function has been added (from a standstill, double clicking L3 will activate auto-run)
  • Players can now drop equipped weapons with Y button when inventory screen is active
  • Grenades can once again be cycled by tapping right on D pad
  • Players can now cancel casting actions while the inventory screen is active


  • Continued optimizations and crash fixes


  • Game controller guide has been updated


  • Buildings around the Military Base have had their collision adjusted
  • Camera shake when riding as a passenger in vehicles has been reduced
  • Inventory character models have returned to their normal stance
  • Fixed a camera issue created by unintended Aim Down Sights and Free Look interactions
  • "A" button will no longer refresh game results screen
  • Team UI will now correctly show the proper direction teammates are facing over larger distances
  • Player changes to markers on the in-game map will now be properly applied to their teammate's in-game map
  • Fixed an issue where switching to throwables under certain conditions left the player empty-handed
  • Adjusted character positioning when exiting vehicles and parachutes

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