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Im EM Fieber? We Are Football 2024 hat Update 2 mit vielen Verbesserungen erhalten!

Provoziert eure Gegner.

Pünktlich zur aktuellen Europameisterschaft ist Update 2 für We Are Football 2024 jetzt zum Download verfügbar.

Das Update bringt eine Reihe neuer Features, Verbesserungen und mehr mit, zum Beispiel könnt ihr jetzt eure Spieler wählen ("innerhalb eines vernünftigen Budgets"), wenn ihr euren eigenen Verein startet.

Provoziert eure Gegner in We Are Football 2024

Ebenfalls neu sind zum Beispiel Jubelszenen nach dem Gewinn von Pokalen oder eine taktische Option, um Spieler des gegnerischen Teams zu provozieren.

Außerdem gibt es eine Aktualisierung von Bannern und Fans und es kommen neue afrikanische Ligen in Ägypten, Algerien, Marokko und Tunesien hinzu.

Nachfolgend alle Highlights, die die Entwickler hervorheben:

  • Create a club extension: Create your own team (draft mode); the users can additionally select their players when starting their own club (within a reasonable budget)
  • Banner and fan update (visible in the stadium)
  • Player celebrations after cup wins
  • Tactical option to provoke players of the opponents
  • Special in-game event with discounts for stadium and club facilities
  • Automated scouting, head scout will automatically scan leagues to search for fitting players
  • Historical transfers also in the scouting department (previous seasons can be viewed)
  • New career data in the player profile under player development: average marks and injury times
  • Player photos on the goals of the month and the year screens
  • Integration of the new entrances behind the goals
  • Option to declare interest in a player in advance, advantage for later negotiations
  • List of upcoming transfers (shows a club’s already completed transfers for the future) Option to clear scouting list
  • Place youth players on watch list
  • Offer player: Only show interested teams and their budgets
  • Option to change the cup images (3 sizes)
  • Loss of team scouting progress every month if a team is not scouted anymore
  • Option to watch a match in 3D from the starting menu
  • Selectable database for the simulation of matches from the starting menu
  • Option to skip the info box displayed at the beginning of match highlights
  • Significantly enhanced match scenes, especially in the areas of free kicks, throw-ins and counter-attacks
  • New African leagues: Egypt, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia

Die kompletten, umfangreichen Patch Notes findet ihr auf Steam.

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